
release date: october 10, 1997
developer: interplay entertainment
genre/type: rpg, action


11.apr.24 i played this game at around summer of 2020 after longing for some fallout for a while bc i had so much fun with fallout 4 when it released. i boot up fallout, made my dumbass character. and oh boy. :D

i am dying left and right. i keep reloading my saves. i am in shambles. turns out this game? is VERY hard. and for my own sanity i cannot continue with the same character i have bc i'm literally not gonna be able to make progress without going crazy.

i have 21 hrs in this and let me tell you that I DID have a lot of fun with it so far!!! it's so lively and refreshing. very very different (obviously) from any other game i've previously played.

i have plans to pick this game up again someday because well. i really love the world of these games and what they represent. i find it super interesting. but this time i will follow a guide to build my character stats bc i do not plan to suffer that much this time.

13.apr.24 I AM BACK ON MY BULLSHIT. i added some guides and other links that i've found that have been helping me with getting back into the game. i follow these guides just for their recommended stats and character builds since i want to experience the story and all of that myself! i also downloaded a character editor which is a program that let's you edit out your stats and all of that. i don't want to be a walking death machine so the only things i've tweaked so far were my Action Points to 10 and my carry weight to a lil bit more.

17.apr.24 wow. so with the help of the character editor i've been able to focus on the story while also enjoying the combat! YAY! i managed to complete my main mission which was to get a water chip for my vault, and now i gotta figure out where the mutants are coming from. i've gotten a little bit farther from where i first left off like 3 years ago. i've been enjoying it so much! as someone who's been meaning to get into this game for a bit because of it's story but couldn't because of it's difficulty, i'm very happy i was able to find some help online on how i could play this in the least painful way possible. i'm very invested in the story which i'm going blind for the most part, except for the master. i forgot what is their issue (thank you brain!) but i am so excited to meet them after seeing how sick (both a good and bad way) the character design for him is.

i had dogmeat throughout the game til a bit earlier. he died :( sorry dogmeat. i don't want to reload my save file. you will be missed.... besides my beloved dogmeat, i've only had ian as my companion. and well he is still my companion. hmm. i wonder where are the other companions. i read that companions were added late to this game. so i'm guessing there aren't that many in game to begin with.

also, i randomly opened my pipboy and saw that it was valentine's in game and it showed a little message. aw.

happy valentine's day

i've also recently discovered that fallout's creator (tim cain) has a youtube channel and he honestly gives out cool grandpa vibes. he's been doing short videos about being a game dev (for the most part) and of course, he also has done some videos talking about the development for fallout. i've been watching his videos almost on a daily basis and i honestly just love hearing him talk about stuff. he seems like a very chill dude.

ref & links

  • official fallout manual
  • the ultimate fallout guide
  • mastering fallout 1 guide
  • fallout character editor
  • hotkeys from official manual i forget


    screenshot of the game that reads you have no idea what instant spaghetti means. it weighs 1 pound.